Prerequistites for the installation of a NAVEKSA product / Microsoft SOD / NAVEKSA Road map

NAVEKSA is delivered as one complete package or individually as 3 modules.

The products are acquired through a NAVEKSA dealer, who adds the NAVEKSA products to the customer’s Dynamics NAV license.

There are four products:

NAVEKSA Enhanced Manufacturing Package Module ID: 6170510/41600 (All 3 modules)

NAVEKSA SHOP FLOOR Module ID: 6170490/41590

NAVEKSA ITEMPLANNING Module ID: 6170500/41595

NAVEKSA CADCONNECT Module ID: 6170480/41586 

All modules can be run on the standard NAV versions 2013R2/2015, 2016 or 2017.

A standard Dynamics NAV Extended Pack Version is required.

All our applications need a full Dynamics NAV user in a number corresponding to the number of active users using the NAVEKSA application.

Our SHOP FLOOR workshop terminal requires a NAV limited named user license. The Workshop Terminal is run on  a .NET based application.

This .NET client requires a full Windows operating Windows 7 or newer. The client can be run on a PC, a tablet or other similar devices. Minimum hardware requirement is 4GB RAM with a dedicated graphics card with minimum 1GB RAM.

NAVEKSA's product development will always comply with Microsoft Statement of Directions.



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