Try the following procedure:
- Start NAV and find the list of web services
- Open the url for "SHOPFLOOR WS".
- In the browser window that opens, please enter the same credentials, which you have used for the SHOPFLOOR setup.
- If the WSDL shows, proceed to the next step. If not then we are looking at problem in the Windows security settings or the NAV web service has been blocked by a firewall or the like. Please check the user credentials and verify that you can connect to the port.
- The SHOPFLOOR client cannot connect, but you are able to connect to the NAV web service in a browser. Please check the fields "url", "Authentication mode", "Domain", "Username" and "Password" for any spelling mistakes or typos.
- If you still cannot connect the problem is with 99,9% certainty a wrong combination of the values for "Authentication mode", "Domain", "Username" and "Password". If you are not sure about the Windows security configuration then you have to try your way with the "Authentication mode" value. The most used are "Negotiate", "NTLM" and "digest". On certain environments we have experienced that the "Domain" value.
If none of the above helps, then please contact NAVEKSA Support.